RSU Ambulance, SIA


RSU ambulance

Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes (RSU) ambulance atrodas RSU galvenās ēkas (Dzirciema iela 16, Rīga) E korpusa 1. stāvā.

Ambulanci var apmeklēt gan RSU darbinieki un studenti, gan citas personas. RSU ambulancē iespējams apmeklēt ģimenes ārstu, infektologu hepatologu, podologu un masieri. Apmeklējot ambulanci, atcerieties paņemt līdzi savu veselības apdrošināšanas karti!

RSU centrālā ēka

Rīga, Dzirciema iela 16

Telpa: E korpuss, 1. stāvs

Tālrunis: +37167409236, +37167409178


RSU Health Centre

The RSU Health Centre is located in Block E on the 1st floor of the main building at 16 Dzirciema Iela.

The Health Centre may be used by RSU employees, students and others. The staff includes a GP, an infection specialist, a masseur, a podiatrist and a nurse. Here you can receive treatment in the case of illness or injury, as well as receive advice on the prevention of an illness and information on how to improve your health habits. Don't forget to bring your health insurance card!

Rīga Stradiņš University - main building

16 Dzirciema iela, Rīga, LV-1007

Room: Block E, 1st Floor

Phone: +37167409236, +37167409178



Rīga, Dzirciema iela 16, E korpuss, 1. stāvs, LV-1007
Phone number:
Phone number:

Number of appointment calendars in this institution: 0

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