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Search results: 1808

Service type:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Rīga, Gardenes iela 13, LV-1002
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Ventspils, Inženieru iela 60., LV-3601
Nearest appointment time:
Ventspils, Inženieru iela 60., LV-3601
Nearest appointment time:
Ventspils, Inženieru iela 60., LV-3601
All appointment slots are currently booked
Ventspils, Inženieru iela 60., LV-3601
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Ventspils, Inženieru iela 60., LV-3601
All appointment slots are currently booked
Ventspils, Inženieru iela 60., LV-3601
All appointment slots are currently booked
Ventspils, Inženieru iela 60., LV-3601
Nearest appointment time:
Ventspils, Inženieru iela 60., LV-3601
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
All appointment slots are currently booked
Massage therapist
FuturaClinic, SIA Sendito
Rīga, Tērbatas iela 30, ieeja no Lāčplēša ielas, LV-1011
+371 26434333
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Ernestīnes iela 18, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Jēkabpils, Brīvības iela 169/171, LV-5201
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Brīvības iela 68, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Rīgas 1. slimnīcas 23. korpuss (ieeja no Šarlotes ielas), LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 410, 2. stāvs, LV-1024
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Specialty not specified
KIRSH Veselības Fabrika
Ārsts pieņem Jelgavas filiālē, 29615155
All appointment slots are currently booked
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 214G, LV-1039
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 33-1, LV-1083
Nearest appointment time:
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
General ultrasound
Ogres rajona slimnīca, SIA
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Ogre, Mālkalnes prospekts 3, LV5001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Torņakalns, Vienības gatve 51, LV1004
All appointment slots are currently booked
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
Nearest appointment time:
Jelgava, Akadēmijas 2 -1b, LV3001
Nearest appointment time:
Ventspils, Raiņa iela 6, LV-3601
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Sports medicine physician
Kardioloģijas Privātprakse, SIA
Rīga, Skanstes iela 25, LV-1013
+371 26 11 55 49
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Veselības centrs 4, Dermatoloģijas klīnika
Rīga, Skanstes 50, 1.ieeja, 3. stāvs, LV 1012
Nearest appointment time:
Oncologist treatment
Ogres rajona slimnīca, SIA
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Olaine, Veselības iela 5, LV-2114
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Dinsbergas klīnika
Rīga, Centrs, Skanstes iela 52, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Klīnika DiaMed SIA
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 214G, LV-1039
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Medicīnas Centrs "Liepa" (Liepiņi SIA)
Carnikava, Plūmju iela 3, LV-2163
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Lielvārdes iela 68/1, Rīga, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Traumatic, orthopedic
AZO klīnika
Jelgava, Pulkveža Oskara Kalpaka iela 16, LV-3001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Rīgas 1. slimnīcas 23. korpuss (ieeja no Šarlotes ielas), LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Jelgava, Sudrabu Edžus ielā 10, LV-3001
Nearest appointment time:
Olaine, Veselības iela 5, LV-2114
All appointment slots are currently booked
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Via Una, SIA
Rīga, Ziemeļu rajons, Katrīnas dambis 10, LV-1045
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Rīgas 1. slimnīcas 23. korpuss (ieeja no Šarlotes ielas), LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Via Una, SIA
Rīga, Ziemeļu rajons, Katrīnas dambis 10, LV-1045
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, K.Barona iela 117, 3. stāvs, LV 1012
Nearest appointment time:
Tukums, Raudas iela 8, LV-3100
Nearest appointment time:
Pededzes iela 10, Mārupes nov., LV-2167
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Vascular ultrasound
Grand Medical
Rīga, Stirnu iela 8, LV-2015
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Gardenes iela 13, LV-1002
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
AZO klīnika
Jelgava, Pulkveža Oskara Kalpaka iela 16, LV-3001
Nearest appointment time:
Carnikava, Plūmju iela 3, LV-2163
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Ziemeļkurzemes reģionālā slimnīca, SIA
Ventspils, Inženieru iela 60., LV-3601
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Rīga, Lielvārdes iela 68/1, Rīga, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Via Una, SIA
Rīga, Ziemeļu rajons, Katrīnas dambis 10, LV-1045
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Skanstes iela 25, LV-1013
+371 26 11 55 49
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Ludzas medicīnas centrs, Poliklīnika
Ludza, 18. novembra iela 17, LV-5701
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Daugavpils, Krāslavas iela 59, 5401
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Rīgas 1. slimnīcas 23. korpuss (ieeja no Šarlotes ielas), LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
I.Paturskas ģimenes veselības centrs, SIA
Rīga, Pļavnieki, Saharova 3a, LV-1082
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 16. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Ādas veselības klīnika, SIA
Rīga, Tallinas iela 1-27, LV-1001
Nearest appointment time:
Sigulda, Ziedu iela 5, LV-2150
67971329 reģistratūra
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 15
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Sievietes veselības centrs, SIA
Rīga, Cēsu iela 31 k-3, LV-1012
Nearest appointment time:
Obstetric and gynecological ultrasound
Rīgas 1.slimnīca SIA, poliklīnika "Bruņinieku"
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Rīgas 1. slimnīcas 23. korpuss (ieeja no Šarlotes ielas), LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Senču prospekts 51, LV-2164
Nearest appointment time:
Sigulda, Ziedu iela 5, LV-2150
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Pediatric cardiologist
Kardioloģijas Privātprakse, SIA
Rīga, Skanstes iela 25, LV-1013
+371 26 11 55 49
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, A.Čaka iela 50 (ieeja no Stabu ielas puses), LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Specialty not specified
Via Una, SIA
Rīga, Ziemeļu rajons, Katrīnas dambis 10, LV-1045
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Biroju iela 8, Lidosta “Rīga”, Rīgas raj., Mārupes pag., LV-1053
Nearest appointment time:
Specialty not specified
Rīga, Biroju iela 8, Lidosta “Rīga”, Rīgas raj., Mārupes pag., LV-1053
Nearest appointment time:
Occupational disease doctor
Rīga, Biroju iela 8, Lidosta “Rīga”, Rīgas raj., Mārupes pag., LV-1053
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Biroju iela 8, Lidosta “Rīga”, Rīgas raj., Mārupes pag., LV-1053
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Dobele, Ādama iela 2, LV-3701
+371 28306538
All appointment slots are currently booked
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Privātklīnika "Ģimenes Veselība", SIA
Daugavpils, Ģimnāzijas iela 10A-2a, LV-5401
654-27075, 654-23647, PIEŅEM TIKAI PAR MAKSU!!!!!
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
JV klīnika, Vītols un Vītols, SIA
Rīga, Teika, Raiskuma iela 1, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Bukultu iela 11, LV-1005
+371 204 51 777
Nearest appointment time:
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 2A, LV1006
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Family (general practice) doctor
Veselības centrs 4, Anti-Aging institute
Rīga, Centrs, Baznīcas iela 18, LV 1010
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Bukultu iela 11, LV-1005
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 2A, LV1006
Nearest appointment time:
Olaine, Veselības iela 5, LV-2114
All appointment slots are currently booked
Dobele, Ādama iela 2, LV-3701
+371 28306538
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Bukultu iela 11, LV-1005
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Pērnavas iela 62
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Dzirnavu iela 83-1, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Lielvārdes iela 68/1, Rīga, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Massage therapist
Ajkc esthetic, SIA
Rīga, Marijas 13-1, 3.stāvs, LV-1050
Nearest appointment time:
Ventspils, Inženieru iela 60., LV-3601
All appointment slots are currently booked
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Aesthetica, SIA
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 15
Nearest appointment time:
Aesthetica, SIA
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 15
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
Veselības centrs Vivendi
Rīga, Bukultu iela 11, LV-1005
Nearest appointment time:
Atpūtas iela 5, LV-1076
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Ludzas medicīnas centrs, Poliklīnika
Ludza, 18. novembra iela 17, LV-5701
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
Ģimenes ārsta Andra Baumaņa prakse
Rīga, Centrs, Brīvības iela 68, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, A.Čaka iela 50 (ieeja no Stabu ielas puses), LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Ādas ārsts, SIA
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 33-1, LV-1083
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 2A, LV1006
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Kuldīga, Rumbas iela 10, LV-3301
Nearest appointment time:
Specialty not specified
Via Una, SIA
Rīga, Ziemeļu rajons, Katrīnas dambis 10, LV-1045
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Dental hygienist
Aesthetica, SIA
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 15
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Lielvārdes iela 68/1, Rīga, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Mārupes Doktorāts, SIA
Pededzes iela 10, Mārupes nov., LV-2167
Nearest appointment time:
To 14.06.2025 there are no free slots available
Medical assistant
Digital Clinic, SIA
Rīga, Saharova ielā 3A, LV-1082
Nearest appointment time:
AZO klīnika
Jelgava, Pulkveža Oskara Kalpaka iela 16, LV-3001
Nearest appointment time:
Ajkc esthetic, SIA
Rīga, Marijas 13-1, 3.stāvs, LV-1050
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Occupational therapist
Ogres Veselības centrs
Ogre, Mālkalnes prospekts 3, LV5001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Lielvārdes iela 68/1, Rīga, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Dermatologist, venereologist
Ogres Veselības centrs
Ogre, Mālkalnes prospekts 3, LV5001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, B. Upīša iela 20A, #203, LV-1010
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Tērbatas iela 30, ieeja no Lāčplēša ielas, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Dīķa iela 44, LV-1004
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Āgenskalns, Mārupes iela 1a, 1002
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, K.Barona iela 117, 3. stāvs, LV 1012
Nearest appointment time:
Sigulda, Ziedu iela 5, LV-2150
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Profesora Skrides Sirds klīnika, SIA
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Tukuma slimnīca
Tukums, Raudas iela 8, LV-3100
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Ludzas medicīnas centrs, Poliklīnika
Ludza, 18. novembra iela 17, LV-5701
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Ludzas medicīnas centrs, Poliklīnika
Ludza, 18. novembra iela 17, LV-5701
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Klīnika DiaMed SIA
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 214G, LV-1039
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Klīnika DiaMed SIA
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 214G, LV-1039
All appointment slots are currently booked
Dermatologist, venereologist
I.Paturskas ģimenes veselības centrs, SIA
Rīga, Pļavnieki, Saharova 3a, LV-1082
Nearest appointment time:
To 14.06.2025 there are no free slots available
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Ludzas medicīnas centrs, Poliklīnika
Ludza, 18. novembra iela 17, LV-5701
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Massage therapist
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Lāčplēša iela 27-20, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
FuturaClinic, SIA Sendito
Rīga, Tērbatas iela 30, ieeja no Lāčplēša ielas, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Lielvārdes iela 68/1, Rīga, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Via Una, SIA
Rīga, Ziemeļu rajons, Katrīnas dambis 10, LV-1045
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Bukultu iela 11, LV-1005
Nearest appointment time:
Tukuma slimnīca
Tukums, Raudas iela 8, LV-3100
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
FuturaClinic, SIA Sendito
Rīga, Tērbatas iela 30, ieeja no Lāčplēša ielas, LV-1011
+371 26434333
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Via Una, SIA
Rīga, Ziemeļu rajons, Katrīnas dambis 10, LV-1045
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Veselības centrs 4, Juglas klīnika
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 410, 5. stāvs, LV-1024
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Northway klīnika
Rīga, Apuzes iela 14, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Dental hygienist
Samadanta, SIA
Rīga, Dīķa iela 44, LV-1004
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Torņakalns, Vienības gatve 51, LV1004
Nearest appointment time:
Oncologist treatment
Saules veselības centrs, SIA
Rīga, Brīvības iela 68, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Artilērijas 15–8, LV-1001
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Rīga, Lielvārdes iela 68/1, Rīga, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
I.Paturskas ģimenes veselības centrs, SIA
Rīga, Pļavnieki, Saharova 3a, LV-1082
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Ogres rajona slimnīca, SIA
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Grand Medical
Rīga, Stirnu iela 8, LV-2015
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Rīgas 1. slimnīcas 23. korpuss (ieeja no Šarlotes ielas), LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Vessel surgeon
Dr. Mauriņa klīnika
Rīga, Jaunā Mežaparka iela 4, LV-1014
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, K.Barona iela 117, LV 1012
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Ārstu prakse SONO, SIA
Sigulda, Pils iela 13a, LV-2150
Nearest appointment time:
Senču prospekts 51, LV-2164
Nearest appointment time:
Ventspils, Raiņa iela 6, LV-3601
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
Tatjana Boilovica
Rīga, Ilūkstes 54A, LV1063
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, K.Barona iela 117, LV 1012
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
N. Kalašņikovas privātprakse, SIA
Rīga, Centrs, Brīvības iela 84-9, 5.stāvs, LV-1001
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Northway klīnika
Rīga, Apuzes iela 14, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Dermatologist, venereologist
Dinsbergas klīnika
Rīga, Centrs, Skanstes iela 52, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 16. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Duntes iela 15A, Rīga, Latvija, LV-1005
Tālr.: +371 66333333, + 371 29334224
All appointment slots are currently booked
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Senču prospekts 51, LV-2164
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Kardioloģijas Privātprakse, SIA
Rīga, Skanstes iela 25, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Brīvības iela 68, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Capital Clinic Riga
Rīga, Duntes iela 15A, Rīga, Latvija, LV-1005
Tālr.: +371 66333333, + 371 29334224
Nearest appointment time:
Carnikava, Plūmju iela 3, LV-2163
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Bukultu iela 11, LV-1005
Nearest appointment time:
Dr.Brencēns, SIA
Liepājas iela 34, Kuldīga, T: 63322401
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Capital Clinic Riga
Rīga, Duntes iela 15A, Rīga, Latvija, LV-1005
Tālr.: +371 66333333, + 371 29334224
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Aesthetica, SIA
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 15
+371 20385822
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Gardenes iela 13, LV-1002
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Lielvārdes iela 68/1, Rīga, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Jugla, Brīvības gatvē 410, LV1024
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, A. Čaka iela 92-6b, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
All appointment slots are currently booked
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
Līgas Brūkles ģimenes ārsta prakse
Rīga, Imantas 8. līnija 1 Korp. 1, 116.kab., LV1083
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Skanstes iela 52, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
KIRSH Veselības Fabrika
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Torņakalns, Vienības gatve 51, LV1004
Nearest appointment time:
Speech-language pathologist
Protezēšanas un ortopēdijas centrs, AS
Rīga, Pērnavas iela 62
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Baznīcas iela 26a, LV-1010
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
KIRSH Veselības Fabrika
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Nearest appointment time:
Kuldīga, Rumbas iela 10, LV-3301
Nearest appointment time:
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Gynecologist, obstetrician
KIRSH Veselības Fabrika
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Baznīcas iela 26a, LV-1010
Nearest appointment time:
Dobele, Ādama iela 2, LV-3701
+371 28306538
Nearest appointment time:
Ludza, 18. novembra iela 17, LV-5701
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Standarta transtorakāla ehokardiogrāfija
Rīgas 1.slimnīca SIA, poliklīnika "Bruņinieku"
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Pededzes iela 10, LV-​2167
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, K.Barona iela 117, LV 1012
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Rīgas 1. slimnīcas 23. korpuss (ieeja no Šarlotes ielas), LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Electroencephalography (EEG) technician
Rīgas 1.slimnīca SIA, poliklīnika "Bruņinieku"
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Pļavnieki, Saharova 3a, LV-1082
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Saules veselības centrs, SIA
Rīga, Brīvības iela 68, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Ādas ārsts, SIA
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 33-1, LV-1083
Nearest appointment time:
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Bauskas iela 33k1-103, LV-1004
Nearest appointment time:
Jūrmala, Strēlnieku prospekts 16, LV-2015
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Cēsu iela 31 k-3, LV-1012
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Skanstes iela 52, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Akupunktūras ārsts
Veselības centrs Vivendi
Rīga, Bukultu iela 11, LV-1005
+371 204 51 777
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Lielvārdes iela 68/1, Rīga, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Rīgas 1. slimnīcas 23. korpuss (ieeja no Šarlotes ielas), LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Torņakalns, Vienības gatve 51, LV1004
Nearest appointment time:
Tavs Fizioterapeits, SIA
Rīga, Skandu iela 7, A ieeja, 2.stāvs.
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Ernestīnes iela 18, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Salaspils, Lauku ielā 8, LV-2121
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Jelgavas klīnika
Jelgava, Sudrabu Edžus ielā 10, LV-3001
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Tukuma slimnīcas Radioloģijas nodaļa
Tukums, Raudas iela 8, LV-3101
All appointment slots are currently booked
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Senču prospekts 51, LV-2164
Nearest appointment time:
Daugavpils, Saules iela 37, LV-5401
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Clinical laboratory scientist
E. Gulbja Laboratorija (EGL)
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 366, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Sigulda, Pils iela 13a, LV-2150
Nearest appointment time:
Klīnika DiaMed SIA
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 214G, LV-1039
Nearest appointment time:
Jēkabpils, Brīvības iela 169/171, LV-5201
All appointment slots are currently booked
Ogre, Mālkalnes prospekts 3, LV5001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Aesthetica, SIA
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 15
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 16. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Obstetric and gynecological ultrasound
Rīgas 1.slimnīca SIA, poliklīnika "Bruņinieku"
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 16. korpuss, LV1001
All appointment slots are currently booked
Aesthetica, SIA
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 15
Nearest appointment time:
Speech-language pathologist
Protezēšanas un ortopēdijas centrs, AS
Rīga, Pērnavas iela 62
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
All appointment slots are currently booked
Via Una, SIA
Rīga, Ziemeļu rajons, Katrīnas dambis 10, LV-1045
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Dinsbergas klīnika
Rīga, Centrs, Skanstes iela 52, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Baznīcas iela 26a, LV-1010
Nearest appointment time:
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Mārupes Doktorāts, SIA
Pededzes iela 10, Mārupes nov., LV-2167
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Torņakalns, Vienības gatve 51, LV1004
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
Nearest appointment time:
Jēkabpils, Brīvības iela 169/171, LV-5201
All appointment slots are currently booked
Klīnika DiaMed SIA
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 214G, LV-1039
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Gardenes iela 13, LV-1002
Pacientu pieņemšana Kr. Valdemāra 62
Nearest appointment time:
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Dental hygienist
Ogres rajona slimnīca, SIA
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 2A, LV1006
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Pērnavas iela 62
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Olivia Clinic
Rīga, Dīķa iela 44, LV-1004
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Lāčplēša ielā 7, Rīga, LV-1010
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Pērnavas iela 62
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Baznīcas iela 26a, LV-1010
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Tavs Fizioterapeits, SIA
Rīga, Skandu iela 7, A ieeja, 2.stāvs.
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, A.Čaka iela 50 (ieeja no Stabu ielas puses), LV-1011
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Pērnavas iela 62
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Aesthetica, SIA
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 15
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Lāčplēša iela 54-21, LV-1011
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Radiologist (diagnostician)
FuturaClinic, SIA Sendito
Rīga, Tērbatas iela 30, ieeja no Lāčplēša ielas, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Rīgas 1. slimnīcas 23. korpuss (ieeja no Šarlotes ielas), LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Ernestīnes iela 18, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Čiekurkalna 1. līnija 1, korpuss 1, LV-1026
All appointment slots are currently booked
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Ārstu prakse SONO, SIA
Sigulda, Pils iela 13a, LV-2150
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Medicīnas Centrs "Liepa" (Liepiņi SIA)
Carnikava, Plūmju iela 3, LV-2163
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Rīga, Lielvārdes iela 68/1, Rīga, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
KIRSH Veselības Fabrika
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Grebenščikova iela 1, LV-1003
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Pērnavas iela 62
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Brīvības iela 68, LV1011
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
Ellas Šatalovas ģimenes ārsta prakse
Rīga, Āgenskalns, Mārupes iela 4, LV-1002
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 2A, LV1006
All appointment slots are currently booked
Tukuma slimnīca
Tukums, Raudas iela 8, LV-3100
Nearest appointment time:
Tukuma slimnīca
Tukums, Raudas iela 8, LV-3100
Nearest appointment time:
Pededzes iela 10, Mārupes nov., LV-2167
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
e-radiologs Magnētiskā rezonanse
Sigulda, Lakstīgalas iela 13, LV-2150
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Alpino Pērle, SIA
Rīga, Centrs, Artilērijas 15–8, LV-1001
Nearest appointment time:
Klīnika DiaMed SIA
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 214G, LV-1039
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Traumatic, orthopedic
Ogres Veselības centrs
Ogre, Mālkalnes prospekts 3, LV5001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
All appointment slots are currently booked
Oncology gynecologist
I.Vasaraudzes privātklīnika
Rīga, Centrs, A. Čaka iela 92-6b, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Rīgas 1. slimnīcas 23. korpuss (ieeja no Šarlotes ielas), LV1001
All appointment slots are currently booked
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Northway klīnika
Rīga, Apuzes iela 14, LV-1046
All appointment slots are currently booked
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Profesora Skrides Sirds klīnika, SIA
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Obstetric and gynecological ultrasound
Dinsbergas klīnika
Rīga, Centrs, Skanstes iela 52, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Neurosonology technician
Profesora Skrides Sirds klīnika, SIA
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Skanstes iela 25, LV-1013
+371 26115549
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Skanstes iela 25, LV-1013
All appointment slots are currently booked
Specialty not specified
Profesora Skrides Sirds klīnika, SIA
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Nearest appointment time:
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
All appointment slots are currently booked
Radiologist (diagnostician)
FuturaClinic, SIA Sendito
Rīga, Tērbatas iela 30, ieeja no Lāčplēša ielas, LV-1011
+371 26434333
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 214G, LV-1039
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Gardenes iela 13, LV-1002
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Ogre, Mālkalnes prospekts 3, LV5001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Gardenes iela 13, LV-1002
Pacientu pieņemšana Kr. Valdemāra 62
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
Rīga, Lielvārdes iela 68/1, Rīga, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
All appointment slots are currently booked
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Traumatic, orthopedic
FuturaClinic, SIA Sendito
Rīga, Tērbatas iela 30, ieeja no Lāčplēša ielas, LV-1011
+371 26434333
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Maskavas iela 40 (2. stāvs), Rīga, LV-1050
Nearest appointment time:
Liepāja, Graudu iela 31, LV-3301
Nearest appointment time:
Liepāja, Republikas iela 5, LV-3401
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Kardioloģijas Privātprakse, SIA
Rīga, Skanstes iela 25, LV-1013
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Dermatologist, venereologist
Dobeles un apkārtnes slimnīca, SIA
Dobele, Ādama iela 2, LV-3701
+371 28306538
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, A.Čaka iela 50 (ieeja no Stabu ielas puses), LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Liepāja, Aldaru iela 20/24, LV 3401
Nearest appointment time:
Traumatic, orthopedic
Liepāja, Republikas iela 5, LV-3401
Nearest appointment time:
Heart surgeon
Jelgavas klīnika
Jelgava, Sudrabu Edžus ielā 10, LV-3001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Skanstes iela 25, LV-1013
26 115 549
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Biroju iela 8, Lidosta “Rīga”, Rīgas raj., Mārupes pag., LV-1053
Nearest appointment time:
Jelgavas klīnika
Jelgava, Sudrabu Edžus ielā 10, LV-3001
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Sievietes veselības centrs, SIA
Rīga, Cēsu iela 31 k-3, LV-1012
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
I.Vasaraudzes privātklīnika
Rīga, Centrs, A. Čaka iela 92-6b, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Veselības centrs Vivendi
Rīga, Bukultu iela 11, LV-1005
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
"Freimanis Ilārs - ģimenes ārsta prakse"
Zvans ārstam- 26070000 (ar pierakstu). Zvans ārsta palīgam Marijai Kravčenko- 67344226. WhatsApp/SMS ārstam vai ārsta palīgam- 27061599.
Nearest appointment time:
Tukums, Elizabetes iela 8, LV3101
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Čiekurkalna 1. līnija 1, korpuss 1, LV-1026
Nearest appointment time:
Anesteziologs, reanimatologs
Kardioloģijas Privātprakse, SIA
Rīga, Skanstes iela 25, LV-1013
+371 26 11 55 49
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Skanstes iela 52, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Pērnavas iela 62
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 410, 2. stāvs, LV-1024
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Radiologist (diagnostician)
KIRSH Veselības Fabrika
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
All appointment slots are currently booked
Ādaži, Gaujas iela 13/15, LV-2164
67997703; 25621060
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Čiekurkalna 1. līnija 1, korpuss 1, LV-1026
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
Madona, Rūpniecības iela 20-9, LV-4801
+371 64822298
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Via Una, SIA
Rīga, Ziemeļu rajons, Katrīnas dambis 10, LV-1045
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
Saules veselības centrs, SIA
Rīga, Brīvības iela 68, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
Rīga, Gardenes iela 13, LV-1002
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Family (general practice) doctor
Rīga, Lielvārdes iela 68/1, Rīga, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Gardenes iela 13, LV-1002
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Gardenes iela 13, LV-1002
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Dental hygienist
Libau Dental (GOLDENT, SIA)
Liepāja, Graudu iela 31, LV-3301
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Egīla Gasiņa privātklīnika
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 2A, LV1006
Nearest appointment time:
Olaine, Veselības iela 5, LV-2114
Nearest appointment time:
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Klīnika DiaMed SIA
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 214G, LV-1039
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Lāčplēša iela 54-21, LV-1011
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Ogres rajona slimnīca, SIA
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, K.Barona iela 117, LV 1012
Nearest appointment time:
Liepāja, Aldaru iela 20/24, LV 3401
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
Olivia Clinic
Rīga, Dīķa iela 44, LV-1004
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Pļavnieki, Saharova 3a, LV-1082
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Baznīcas iela 31 (A ieeja), LV-1010
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
All appointment slots are currently booked
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Exercise stress testing
Jelgavas klīnika
Jelgava, Sudrabu Edžus ielā 10, LV-3001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
All appointment slots are currently booked
Jelgavas klīnika
Jelgava, Sudrabu Edžus ielā 10, LV-3001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Specialty not specified
X-Dental, SIA
Rīga, Bruņinieku iela 27, LV-1001
Nearest appointment time:
Salaspils, Lauku ielā 8, LV-2121
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Grebenščikova iela 1, LV-1003
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Nearest appointment time:
Ventspils, Raiņa iela 6, LV-3601
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Skanstes iela 50, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Biroju iela 8, Lidosta “Rīga”, Rīgas raj., Mārupes pag., LV-1053
Nearest appointment time:
Sports medicine physician
FuturaClinic, SIA Sendito
Rīga, Tērbatas iela 30, ieeja no Lāčplēša ielas, LV-1011
+371 26434333
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Pain medicine physician
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Rīgas 1. slimnīcas 23. korpuss (ieeja no Šarlotes ielas), LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
All appointment slots are currently booked
General ultrasound
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Krišjāņa Valdemāra iela 118, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, A.Čaka iela 50 (ieeja no Stabu ielas puses), LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Pērnavas iela 62
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
I.Vasaraudzes privātklīnika
Rīga, Centrs, A. Čaka iela 92-6b, LV-1011
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Ludza, 18. novembra iela 17, LV-5701
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Grand Medical
Rīga, Stirnu iela 8, LV-2015
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Lāčplēša iela 54-21, LV-1011
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
All appointment slots are currently booked
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Ogres rajona slimnīca, SIA
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Pļavnieki, Saharova 3a, LV-1082
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Jēkabpils, Brīvības iela 169/171, LV-5201
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Traumatic, orthopedic
Via Una, SIA
Rīga, Ziemeļu rajons, Katrīnas dambis 10, LV-1045
Nearest appointment time:
Sigulda, Ziedu iela 5, LV-2150
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Pērnavas iela 62
Nearest appointment time:
Ludza, 18. novembra iela 17, LV-5701
Nearest appointment time:
Dental hygienist
Klīnika Denta, SIA
Rīga, Teika, Brīvības gatve 230, LV-1039
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
J.Gulbes ģimenes ārsta prakse, SIA
Rīga, Centrs, Lāčplēša iela 38- 202, LV-1011
Pierakstu veiciet pa tālr.: 29413266
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Rīgas 1. slimnīcas 23. korpuss (ieeja no Šarlotes ielas), LV1001
All appointment slots are currently booked
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Dubultu Doktorāts SIA , Rīgas filiāle
Rīga, Bauskas iela 33k1-103, LV-1004
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 16. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Biroju iela 8, Lidosta “Rīga”, Rīgas raj., Mārupes pag., LV-1053
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Tallinas iela 18, LV-1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 15
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Nearest appointment time:
General ultrasound
Grand Medical
Rīga, Stirnu iela 8, LV-2015
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, K.Barona iela 117, 3. stāvs, LV 1012
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Family (general practice) doctor
Olivia Clinic
Rīga, Dīķa iela 44, LV-1004
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 16. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
Diānas Hausmanes ģimenes ārsta prakse, SIA
Rīga, Ēveles iela 6a, LV-1013
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Aesthetica, SIA
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 15
Nearest appointment time:
Sigulda, Ziedu iela 5, LV-2150
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 410, 5. stāvs, LV-1024
All appointment slots are currently booked
Liepāja, Republikas iela 5, LV-3401
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
X-Dental, SIA
Rīga, Bruņinieku iela 27, LV-1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Pļavnieki, Saharova 3a, LV-1082
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Pļavnieki, Saharova 3a, LV-1082
Nearest appointment time:
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Nearest appointment time:
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Jugla, Brīvības gatve 410, 2.stāvs, LV-1024
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Rīga, Lielvārdes iela 68/1, Rīga, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Dubultu Doktorāts SIA , Rīgas filiāle
Rīga, Bauskas iela 33k1-103, LV-1004
Nearest appointment time:
Jūrmala, Strēlnieku prospekts 16, LV-2015
Nearest appointment time:
Dobele, Ādama iela 2, LV-3701
+371 28306538
Nearest appointment time:
Pediatric allergist
Ogres rajona slimnīca, SIA
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Pērnavas iela 62
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Rīgas 1.slimnīca SIA, Šarlotes poliklinika
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Rīgas 1. slimnīcas 23. korpuss (ieeja no Šarlotes ielas), LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Veselības centrs Vivendi
Rīga, Bukultu iela 11, LV-1005
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
X-Dental, SIA
Rīga, Bruņinieku iela 27, LV-1001
Nearest appointment time:
Osteoreflexology practitioner
Tukuma slimnīca
Tukums, Raudas iela 8, LV-3100
Nearest appointment time:
Grand Medical
Rīga, Stirnu iela 8, LV-2015
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Veselības centrs 4, Dermatoloģijas klīnika
Rīga, Skanstes 50, 1.ieeja, 3. stāvs, LV 1012
Nearest appointment time:
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Pērnavas iela 62
Nearest appointment time:
Ventspils, Inženieru iela 60., LV-3601
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Liepāja, Republikas iela 5, LV-3401
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Olivia Clinic
Rīga, Dīķa iela 44, LV-1004
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Āgenskalns, Mārupes iela 1a, 1002
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Skanstes iela 50, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 2A, LV1006
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Alpino Pērle, SIA
Rīga, Centrs, Artilērijas 15–8, LV-1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 16. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Carnikava, Plūmju iela 3, LV-2163
All appointment slots are currently booked
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Ventspils poliklīnika, PSIA
Ventspils, Raiņa iela 6, LV-3601
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Dobeles un apkārtnes slimnīca, SIA
Dobele, Ādama iela 2, LV-3701
+371 63722407
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Ventspils poliklīnika, PSIA
Ventspils, Raiņa iela 6, LV-3601
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Skanstes iela 25, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Daugavpils, Lielā Dārza ielā 60/62, LV-5417
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Family (general practice) doctor
Ilzes Jākobsones GĀP
Rīga, Nīcgales 5- 608, LV-1082
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Gardenes iela 13, LV-1002
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Urolit, SIA
Rīga, Gardenes iela 13, LV-1002
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Rīga, Tēriņu iela 79, LV-1058
Nearest appointment time:
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Klīnika DiaMed SIA
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 214G, LV-1039
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Veselības centrs 4, Dermatoloģijas klīnika
Rīga, Skanstes 50, 1.ieeja, 3. stāvs, LV 1012
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Veselības centrs 4, Anti-Aging institute
Rīga, Centrs, Baznīcas iela 18, LV 1010
Nearest appointment time:
Specialty not specified
LOR Klīnika, Brīvības gatvē 410
Rīga, Jugla, Brīvības gatvē 410, LV1024
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Specialty not specified
LOR Klīnika, Vienības gatve 51
Rīga, Torņakalns, Vienības gatve 51, LV1004
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Krišjāņa Valdemāra iela 118, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
Kardioloģijas Privātprakse, SIA
Rīga, Skanstes iela 25, LV-1013
+371 26 11 55 49
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Pļavnieki, Saharova 3a, LV-1082
Nearest appointment time:
Clinical laboratory scientist
E. Gulbja Laboratorija (EGL)
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 366, LV-1006
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Grebenščikova iela 1, LV-1003
Nearest appointment time:
Atpūtas iela 5, LV-1076
Nearest appointment time:
Veselības centrs 4, TC Spice
Rīga, Lielirbes iela 29, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Lāčplēša iela 27-20, LV-1011
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Nearest appointment time:
Ludza, 18. novembra iela 17, LV-5701
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Liepāja, Republikas iela 5, LV-3401
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Massage therapist
Veselības centrs Vivendi
Rīga, Bukultu iela 11, LV-1005
Nearest appointment time:
Outpatient surgeon
Via Una, SIA
Rīga, Ziemeļu rajons, Katrīnas dambis 10, LV-1045
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Pērnavas iela 62
Nearest appointment time:
Ventspils, Inženieru iela 60., LV-3601
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Raiskuma iela 1, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Ludza, 18. novembra iela 17, LV-5701
All appointment slots are currently booked
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
N. Kalašņikovas privātprakse, SIA
Rīga, Centrs, Brīvības iela 84-9, 5.stāvs, LV-1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Radiologist (diagnostician)
FuturaClinic, SIA Sendito
Rīga, Tērbatas iela 30, ieeja no Lāčplēša ielas, LV-1011
+371 26 434333
All appointment slots are currently booked
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Profesora Skrides Sirds klīnika, SIA
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Olivia Clinic
Rīga, Dīķa iela 44, LV-1004
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Digital Clinic, SIA
Rīga, Saharova ielā 3A, LV-1082
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Carnikava, Plūmju iela 3, LV-2163
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Nearest appointment time:
Pediatric neurologist
Veselības centrs Vivendi
Rīga, Bukultu iela 11, LV-1005
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Čiekurkalna 1. līnija 1, korpuss 1, LV-1026
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Bukultu iela 11, LV-1005
+371 204 51 777
Nearest appointment time:
Ogre, Brīvības iela 22, LV-5001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Sports medicine physician
Profesora Skrides Sirds klīnika, SIA
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
KIRSH Veselības Fabrika
Pieņem Jēkabpils filiālē- 22300482
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 16. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
All appointment slots are currently booked
Dental hygienist
Ogres rajona slimnīca, SIA
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
Jāņa Kangara ārsta prakse, SIA
Bauska, Dārza iela 7 k-3, 3901
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 410, 2. stāvs, LV-1024
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Veselības centrs 4, Dermatoloģijas klīnika
Rīga, Skanstes 50, 1.ieeja, 3. stāvs, LV 1012
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Ādas ārsts, SIA
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 33-1, LV-1083
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, A. Čaka iela 92-6b, LV-1011
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Torņakalns, Vienības gatve 51, LV1004
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Jelgava, Sudrabu Edžus ielā 10, LV-3001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Nearest appointment time:
Sigulda, Ziedu iela 5, LV-2150
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Alpino Pērle, SIA
Rīga, Centrs, Artilērijas 15–8, LV-1001
Nearest appointment time:
Ventspils, Raiņa iela 6, LV-3601
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Āgenskalns, Mārupes iela 4, LV-1002
Nearest appointment time:
Carnikava, Plūmju iela 3, LV-2163
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Torņakalns, Vienības gatve 51, LV1004
Nearest appointment time:
Specialty not specified
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Lielvārdes iela 68/1, Rīga, LV-1006
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Bāriņu iela 10, LV- 1002
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
Rīga, Lielvārdes iela 68/1, Rīga, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Bruņinieku iela 67, LV-1011
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Rīga, Lāčplēša iela 27-20, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Āgenskalns, Mārupes iela 1a, 1002
Nearest appointment time:
Aesthetica, SIA
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 15
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Baznīcas iela 31 (A ieeja), LV-1010
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Āgenskalns, Mārupes iela 4, LV-1002
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Klīnika DiaMed SIA
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 214G, LV-1039
Nearest appointment time:
Sigulda, Pils iela 13a, LV-2150
Nearest appointment time:
Massage therapist
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Gardenes iela 13, LV-1002
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 410, 5. stāvs, LV-1024
Nearest appointment time:
Traumatic, orthopedic
Saules veselības centrs, SIA
Rīga, Brīvības iela 68, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Rīgas 1. slimnīcas 23. korpuss (ieeja no Šarlotes ielas), LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Via Una, SIA
Rīga, Ziemeļu rajons, Katrīnas dambis 10, LV-1045
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Krišjāņa Valdemāra iela 118, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Skanstes iela 25, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Baznīcas iela 31 (A ieeja), LV-1010
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Jelgava, Sudrabu Edžus ielā 10, LV-3001
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Jugla, Brīvības gatve 410, 2.stāvs, LV-1024
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Lāčplēša iela 54-21, LV-1011
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Rīgas 1. slimnīcas 23. korpuss (ieeja no Šarlotes ielas), LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
X-Dental, SIA
Rīga, Bruņinieku iela 27, LV-1001
Nearest appointment time:
Senču prospekts 51, LV-2164
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 16. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, A.Čaka iela 50 (ieeja no Stabu ielas puses), LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Daugavpils, Lielā Dārza ielā 60/62, LV-5417
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Nearest appointment time:
Tukuma slimnīca
Tukums, Raudas iela 8, LV-3100
Nearest appointment time:
Tukuma slimnīca
Tukums, Raudas iela 8, LV-3100
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Ludzas medicīnas centrs, Poliklīnika
Ludza, 18. novembra iela 17, LV-5701
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Pļavnieki, Saharova 3a, LV-1082
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Pļavnieki, Saharova 3a, LV-1082
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Privātklīnika "Ģimenes Veselība", SIA
Daugavpils, Ģimnāzijas iela 10A-2a, LV-5401
Nearest appointment time:
Specialty not specified
Baltijas ķirurģijas centrs, SIA
Rīga, Gardenes iela 13, LV-1002
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 16. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Tukuma slimnīca
Tukums, Raudas iela 8, LV-3100
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Radiologist (diagnostician)
KIRSH Veselības Fabrika
Ārsts pieņem Jelgavas filiālē - 29615155
All appointment slots are currently booked
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Grand Medical
Rīga, Stirnu iela 8, LV-2015
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Profesora Skrides Sirds klīnika, SIA
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Aesthetica, SIA
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 15
+371 20385822
Nearest appointment time:
Cēsis, Valmieras iela 7-1, LV-4101
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Cēsis, Valmieras iela 7-1, LV-4101
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
I.Vasaraudzes privātklīnika
Rīga, Centrs, A. Čaka iela 92-6b, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Pededzes iela 10, Mārupes nov., LV-2167
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Pededzes iela 10, LV-​2167
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Grebenščikova iela 1, LV-1003
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Dinsbergas klīnika
Rīga, Centrs, Skanstes iela 52, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Pain medicine physician
Klīnika DiaMed SIA
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 214G, LV-1039
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Traumatic, orthopedic
Ogres Veselības centrs
Ogre, Mālkalnes prospekts 3, LV5001
Nearest appointment time:
Jelgavas klīnika
Jelgava, Sudrabu Edžus ielā 10, LV-3001
Nearest appointment time:
Exercise stress testing
Jelgavas klīnika
Jelgava, Sudrabu Edžus ielā 10, LV-3001
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Carnikava, Plūmju iela 3, LV-2163
All appointment slots are currently booked
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Ogres rajona slimnīca, SIA
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
KIRSH Veselības Fabrika
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
Medako, SIA
Rīga, Piena iela 4-1, LV1045
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Dermatologist, venereologist
Fortemed, SIA
Rīga, Ķelnes iela 1, LV-1014
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Dobele, Ādama iela 2, LV-3701
+371 28306538
Nearest appointment time:
Radiologist (diagnostician)
Rīga, Lielvārdes iela 68/1, Rīga, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Clinical laboratory scientist
E. Gulbja Laboratorija (EGL)
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 366, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Nearest appointment time:
Dental hygienist
Samadanta, SIA
Rīga, Dīķa iela 44, LV-1004
Nearest appointment time:
Ludza, 18. novembra iela 17, LV-5701
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
All appointment slots are currently booked
Jūrmala, Strēlnieku prospekts 16, LV-2015
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 410, 2. stāvs, LV-1024
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Iekšlietu ministrijas poliklīnika
Rīga, Čiekurkalna 1. līnija 1, korpuss 1, LV-1026
Nearest appointment time:
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Olaine, Veselības iela 5, LV-2114
All appointment slots are currently booked
Gynecologist, obstetrician
I.Vasaraudzes privātklīnika
Rīga, Centrs, A. Čaka iela 92-6b, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Ludza, 18. novembra iela 17, LV-5701
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Veselības centrs 4, Dermatoloģijas klīnika
Rīga, Skanstes 50, 1.ieeja, 3. stāvs, LV 1012
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Liepāja, Republikas iela 5, LV-3401
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Kr. Valdemāra iela 62, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Clinical physiologist
Rīga, Lielvārdes iela 68/1, Rīga, LV-1006
Nearest appointment time:
Aesthetica, SIA
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 15
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Nearest appointment time:
Dobele, Ādama iela 2, LV-3701
+371 63722375
All appointment slots are currently booked
Olaine, Veselības iela 5, LV-2114
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, A.Čaka iela 50 (ieeja no Stabu ielas puses), LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Liepāja, Aldaru iela 20/24, LV 3401
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Estētiskā kosmetoloģija, IK
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Specialty not specified
Ogres Veselības centrs
Ogre, Mālkalnes prospekts 3, LV5001
Nearest appointment time:
Dermatologist, venereologist
Rīga, Gardenes iela 13, LV-1002
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Nearest appointment time:
Physician assistant
Aesthetica, SIA
Rīga, Tālivalža iela 15
Nearest appointment time:
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Nearest appointment time:
Family (general practice) doctor
Veselības centrs 4, Baltijas Vēnu klīnika
Rīga, Kr.Barona 115, LV 1012
Nearest appointment time:
FuturaClinic, SIA Sendito
Rīga, Tērbatas iela 30, ieeja no Lāčplēša ielas, LV-1011
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Rīgas 1. slimnīcas 23. korpuss (ieeja no Šarlotes ielas), LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 410, 2. stāvs, LV-1024
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
Gynecologist, obstetrician
Ogres Veselības centrs
Ogre, Mālkalnes prospekts 3, LV5001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Nearest appointment time:
Traumatic, orthopedic
FuturaClinic, SIA Sendito
Rīga, Tērbatas iela 30, ieeja no Lāčplēša ielas, LV-1011
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 410, 2. stāvs, LV-1024
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Ogre, Slimnīcas iela 2, LV-5001
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Tukums, Raudas iela 8, LV-3100
Nearest appointment time:
Skaistumkopšanas speciālists kosmetoloģijā
Rīga, Gardenes iela 13, LV-1002
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, K.Barona iela 117, 3. stāvs, LV 1012
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 1. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV1013
Nearest appointment time:
General ultrasound
Liepāja, Republikas iela 5, LV-3401
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Cēsu iela 31 k-3, LV-1012
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Skanstes iela 50, LV-1013
Nearest appointment time:
Invasive radiologist
Klīnika DiaMed SIA
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 214G, LV-1039
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Torņakalns, Vienības gatve 51, LV1004
All appointment slots are currently booked
Rīga, Kalnciema iela 27, LV-1046
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Centrs, Bruņinieku iela 5, 16. korpuss, LV1001
Nearest appointment time:
Rīga, Krišjāņa Valdemāra iela 118, LV-1013
Currently, it is not possible to make an electronic appointment with this doctor
Rīga, Brīvības gatve 214G, LV-1039
Nearest appointment time:
Nearest appointment time:
To the top of the list